Pavla Lokajova

storyteller, content creator, solopreneur
self-employed for 8 years
Czech Republic
Mentoring focus:
I have always been interested in one thing – in telling the stories of our time.

Not quite finding my fit in traditional newsrooms, I pioneered my way by building a couple of newspapers from scratch, filling the gap I sensed in the industry. From student journalist to content creator to co-founder of Czech employer branding platform, I've spent a decade working with startups as well as companies like T-Mobile or Coca-Cola CZ on showing more of themselves in their brand. Going deeper, I am now guiding mission-driven doers and believers in uncovering their genuine stories - I have seen over and over again that authentic business storytelling makes all the difference in communicating your value. Grounding ourselves in knowing and owning our stories boosts our confidence and makes us go grab those opportunities and build those damn ventures. In my spare time, I have twins :) with my Ghanian man, so feel free to talk to me about figuring out your story, solopreneurship, writing, AND family.
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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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