Michal Voráč

NETVOR s.r.o.
Czech Republic
Mentoring focus:
Entrepreneurship, Management & Leadership, Project Management, Sales/Business Development/CX
I sold our first deal when I was 16. In 2021 I will have 33. I have never thought about not being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is my way to personal freedom & continuous live-long learning. I don't mind taking risks. I'm worried about putting my life into somebody else's hands.

I run a software development agency since 2014.

I've learned a lot from other great entrepreneurs. And I'm doing my best to give it back. These days I am helping at Cesko.Digital with one of their projects whose ambition is to get great people to teaching. I believe that better society of tomorrow will be shaped by technology and great teachers.
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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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