Madeleine Crane

Ex-Equity Research Analyst
Morgan Stanley
United Kingdom
Mentoring focus:
Finance & Operations, General Career Guidance & Soft Skills
Student/Intern/Graduate/Associate Mentor | University of Bristol: Biochemistry

Five years as an Equity Research Analyst across three different sectors, an Associate Representitive and department lead for the Morgan Stanely Talent and Early Careers teams. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than demystifying the world of finance and helping my mentees navigate their early career journey. I have had first-hand experience of an extensive range of challenges, sticking points and learning curves that come when you begin your career. I love helping my mentees work towards any goal or milestone that is important to them, but have a particular specialty in:

- Managing upward: Building an effective relationship with your team head
- Team dynamics: Starting in new teams and managing team changes
- Positioning for promotion: Tips for entering promotion season
- Building confidence: Being comfortable presenting, debating and speaking up
- Mastering new subjects: Picking up new, technical subjects quickly and confidently
- Building a franchise: How to build your portfolio of work and communicate your achievements
- Navigating uncertainty: How to handle change and identify the new opportunities
- Work-Life balance: Identifying expectations and managing boundaries
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*We don't guarantee that this mentor will be the right person for your goals and will have capacity for mentoring, but we will try our best to find the right mentor for you!

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