
8 inspiring newsletters to subscribe to in 2022

Written by
Julia Gumeniuk
Published on
August 10, 2022

Do you like reading emails in your free time or on the way to or from work? And what if these emails contain inspiring texts that regularly come to your inbox? More and more organizations, companies, and bloggers introduce newsletters covering all possible topics from career development to self-help and mental health. In the list below, we collected the top eight inspiring newsletters to check out and subscribe to in 2022.


Playing-it-safe newsletter written by psychologist and passionate behaviorist Dr. Z invites you to get free from fears, worries, obsessions, and anxieties. It also encourages you to look into common ways of doing things and consider whether another "risky" method is more efficient. By reading the Playing-it-safe newsletter, you can learn research-based skills and actionable steps to make better decisions, adjust to uncertain situations, make bold moves, and do more of what matters to you.

Kick Ass Letters

Do you want to step out of your comfort zone but are unsure how? Then try to subscribe to the Kick Ass Letters. This newsletter will send you a new challenge every week that you better take on. More than 400 founders, parents, and generally challenge-seekers have already enrolled and got closer to becoming fearless because life's most significant moments happen outside of our comfort zone.

Startup Illustrated 

If you have a startup, work for one, or want to set up your own, the Startup Illustrated newsletter is a must for you. The newsletter explains startup concepts simply, shares advice, and gets delivered bi-weekly to your inbox. Startup Illustrated helps to better understand the startup journey by sharing simple process illustrations, visual thread walls, or question cards for other co-founders.

Down the Rabbit Hole 

Do you want to change your focus and read something surprising? Then check out the newsletter called Down the Rabbit Hole. Every Wednesday, you will read five and more mind-blowing ideas, tools, or quotes. You can also check the website for many interesting articles focused on psychology, mindfulness, or psychedelics.


Are you looking to read inspiring stories of women to get you in the mood? Then the newsletter created by the platform Glowreel might be the one you are searching for. Glowreel shares the stories of black, indigenous, and other women of color. The platform aims to celebrate the wins, build a community of amazing people, and encourage anyone who identifies as a woman of color to blaze their trail.

Read a Girl

If you like reading books written by female authors, the Read a Girl newsletter might be what you were missing out on before. The newsletters' goal is to promote the work of women writers. Once subscribed, you will get a book recommendation written by a woman every month. Read a Girl brings to light the work of excellent writers who, sometimes, get overshadowed by their gender. 


Femmeletter is run by Femme Palette, the community of driven professional women. The monthly newsletter shares many interesting insights into career development, current issues, invites for events and networking meetings, and many more. If you want to boost your career to the next level, make sure to subscribe to the Femmeletter to receive your regular dose of inspiration!

The new year is a fresh start, perfect for renewing and activating your newsletter subscriptions. Pick the most interesting newsletter from above or try them all, enjoy reading, and get yourself inspired. Our tip – make the Femmeletter your first choice ;) 

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