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From Stranger to Ally: Making Connections Easier After Moving Abroad

As I embarked on my own adventure abroad, I encountered a surprising number of articles painting a picture of isolation for newcomers. "You'll be very much alone," came up surprisingly often… But is isolation inevitable? How can we build a network of contacts and find connections in a new country?
Vanda Adlerova
August 13, 2023

Leveraging nonprofit work for your professional growth: My experience as a UX designer

Let me introduce the concept of volunteering for a nonprofit organisation as a means of self-development.
Veronika Hnilickova
August 13, 2023

How to build a career in difficult & unstable times

How should one plan their career amidst such uncertainty regarding the future of companies and entire industries? Is it better to sit calmly and wait until the crisis passes, or could a crisis be an opportune time for growth? ‍Here are strategies to consider.
Irina Veligan
August 13, 2023

How to receive feedback the right way so it benefits you

Seeking feedback is natural, but often it brings paradoxical reactions. We crave it for affirmation but may also feel a reluctance to face constructive criticism. Positive feedback serves as a source of encouragement, providing a boost, while navigating suggestions for improvement can pose a more intricate challenge.Throughout my career I have had my portion of negative feedback, which made me feel anxious, insecure and handled unfairly. It took me quite a few years before I have been able to design the perfect system which would allow me to process this feedback, but also graciously accept it. 
Alina Ruiz Guerra
August 13, 2023

Five questions to ask yourself when deciding whether a management career path is right for you

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving professional landscape, individuals often find themselves at a crossroads: Should they focus on becoming an expert in their field or pursue a leadership role within their organization? The decision between these two career paths can profoundly impact one's personal and professional development as it highlights how different people have different strengths, goals, and aspirations. Understanding the nuances of both expertise and leadership paths is crucial for making informed career decisions. 
Rose Smith
August 13, 2023

Take your career to the next level: Seven tips to boost professional growth

In order to stay on top of the competition in today’s job market, it is crucial to continue your pursuit to grow both personally and professionally. In June, we hosted a career conference in Berlin covering various topics on growing one’s career. One of our panels was on ‘How to boost your career and mistakes to avoid,’ with Krista Casey (Creative Director at Wayfair EU), Ashley Sigmon (Sr. Career Specialist at CareerFoundry), and Maria Margarita Gutierrez Reyes (Engineering Manager at Blinkist). We heard directly from women who has committed themselves to both personal and professional development. We put together some key-takeaways from the panel to make their insights accessible to those who were not able to join us. 
Rose Smith
August 13, 2023

Unlocking the power of motivation: Strategies to supercharge your journey towards achieving your goals

How can you turn your dreams into reality when the clock ticks the same 24 hours for everyone, and your inherent talents are already set in stone? The answer lies in the often underestimated, yet infinitely malleable, variable of motivation. Understanding and amplifying motivation is key to unlocking your full potential, especially in the realm of career development. This article delves into the dynamic world of motivation, exploring strategies to harness it despite the constraints of time and individual dispositions.
Jana Jandova
August 13, 2023

Highlights from 2023

The year of 2023 has been full of new and exciting things! We welcomed 6 new team members, and grew the team to 14 people. Our founding team also expanded by a baby of my co-founder Klara who left on maternity leave this year. I am super proud of the team for helping with the transition and stepping up into leadership roles, especially Petra, our Head of Program Operations, and Ellen, our Marketing Manager and Martina, our Tech Queen. The shoutout goes to the rest of the team as well, who were able to make all these things happen in 2023. Here are some of our achievements this year!
Lucie Neumanova
August 13, 2023