Gabriela Dittrichova

Self-love Author, Mentoring Operations at Femme Palette
Gabriela Dittrichova is a freelance content creator, a founder of a mindful blog and a co-founder of a feminist magazine Vagina-nomics. Gaby is a passionate advocate of equality and mindfulness, with professional training in design and marketing.

5 benefits of coworking spaces

Osobní zkušenost naší mentorky a její mentee

Koučink vs Mentoring : Jaký je mezi nimi rozdíl?

Jak vést produktivní diskuzi se svým mentorem

Mentoring pro ženy v UX designu

Mentee & Mentor Experience

How to find a mentor

The fear of comparison and how to fight it

5 Ways to stay connected with your colleagues

Why 2021 is the best year to start a business

Top 5 Benefits of Mentoring in the Workplace

Mentoring for Women in UX Design

Mentoring for Women in Marketing

Mentoring for women in IT

Meet 3 femmepreneurs of the Mentoring program

How To Get The Most Out Of Mentoring

How remote mentoring transformed my career

Founder Spotlight: Tereza Gondkova

The top qualities of a great leader

Learn to be a great boss

5 must-have skills of a great leader

The modern guide to feminism

10 hlavních výhod mentoringu

Jak být dobrou mentee

Proč se stát mentorem

Mentoring Journey: Daria & Šárka

Reinventing yourself in the new year

Why you should be a mentor

The greatest benefits of remote mentoring